We welcome children and the life they bring to our church family. Children are welcome at all of our services and those of pre-school age onwards are welcome to join Junior Church during the Sunday 10 am service to learn, share and enjoy activities. You can find baby-changing facilities in the toilet area and the Tower Room is a sound-proofed area with a selection of toys. The glass doors provide a good view of the service and a speaker system allows those using the Tower Room to stay in touch with what is happening in the main church.
Facilities in Church
The church has step free access to the toilet/baby change area and you are welcome to bring pushchairs and prams into the church. If you need to feed a baby during the service and would like some privacy, warm water for formula etc, please speak to our Welcomers, who will be happy to help.
Baptising a Child
We welcome all enquiries about baptism, otherwise known as christening. To find out more why not come along to one of our services and have an initial chat, or contact us using our baptism form here.
Toddler Group - Little Fishes
Little Fishes toddler group meets at Abington Parish Rooms on the corner of Park Avenue North and Ashburnham Road (NN3 2HT), on Mondays, from 10am to 11.15am during term time. We have a time of play, craft, singing and refreshment and share a short prayer at the end of each session. Newcomers are always welcome - no need to book, we only ask a small donation on arrival.
Future Activities
Check out our What's On page to see this month's activities.

For more information
Email our Children and Youth Missioner, Cathy at children@abingtonchurch.org.uk