The PCC have agreed the following policies.
Safeguarding Policy
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Peter and St Paul, Abington takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
The PCC has a Safeguarding Policy and Procedure which applies to all who have received the Bishop’s Licence or Permission to work and all others who work with children and young people and vulnerable adults in our Parish. The policy is reviewed annually and was last reviewed in May 2023. You can access the policy here
Any queries or concerns should be reported to our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO): Esme Cushing via email to
The Diocese of Peterborough supports the parish in our safeguarding responsibilities. The Diocesan handbook can be accessed via here and the Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted directly. See the Diocesan Safeguarding webpage for up to date information via
The Church of England National Safeguarding Team page can be accessed via
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, and if you have any concern please report it to the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Diocesan Safeguarding Officer without delay.
Our vision
We aim to nurture and encourage all people in their journey of faith and to reach into the community with Christian love and grace St Peter and St Paul, Abington stands at the centre of Abington Park and its Parish to continue its historic witness to the gospel of Christ in the lives of its members and those who comes as visitors, and to those seeking to know God better in their daily lives.
All members of the church are on a lifelong journey of faith and wish to share their experience by worshipping God in a number of ways that give praise, thanksgiving and glory to God appropriate to a wide range of ages and life experiences.
We aim to be committed disciples of Christ by learning more about our faith and sharing it with others. The church community aims to use its assets to serve effectively the wider community both practically and spiritually and the PCC puts this into practice through the Growth Action Plan
Health and Safety
We are serious about keeping people safe in our buildings and grounds. You can find a copy of our Health and Safety Implementation Guide here, and if you have any queries or concerns, please contact the Chair of the Building's Committee, Andrew Munns