Also known as The Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion, this is a special moment in our worship where we are gathered together in the bread and the wine. This act reminds us of the last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before he was arrested and crucified, and you can read more about this in the Bible (Matthew 26. 17-30.)
At our Eucharist services we remember Jesus’ words which help us to understand who Jesus is and what God’s purpose is for us. As we eat the bread and drink the wine we believe that we are entering into the special relationship that God has with those who love him, and that we receive spiritual nourishment to strengthen us to grow in faith and to do what God has planned for us.
Anyone who has been baptised is welcome to receive the Eucharist at any of our services. Approach the altar and kneel or stand with your hands held out to receive the bread. You will then be offered the cup – please be aware that no one is permitted to dip the bread in the wine – you may drink from the cup or choose to touch the base of the cup as a sign of acknowledgement if you prefer not to drink.
If you are not yet baptised, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing. If you bring your service booklet with you (you will be given one of these when you arrive), then the priest will know that you would like a blessing. You can stand or kneel at the altar – whichever makes you feel more comfortable.